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03/11/2003 Entry: "Long Thing about Not So Exciting Shet"
superseth |
Long Thing about Not So Exciting Shet:
So it has been a long time since i posted..... I meant to but didn't. Today has been a strange day, It began well and carried a good theme throughout, but as was foreshaowed by my running out of cd's and having to listen to rap in the car, things just had a strange undertone. I did not space out in physics and yet still could not answer any questions when called upon. Whatever it is, something under the surface felt wrong all day to me, including me, who I have become frusterated with as of late. I wish I could just be as I am instead of acting, but I do, and always have. As I rode home today from physics study action, I decided that I spent the begining of my life trying to be as little a kid as possible, and now I am trying to be as little an adult as possible, at least in my presentation of myself. Sure sometimes I act like im 18, but really I seem to pass myself off as a simple strange idiot that I know I am not and I am not pleased with. Still I persist in acting like that though. Posted by superseth @ 10:01 PM PST |