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10/06/2003 Entry: "Too Few Posts, Too Much Stuff"

Too Few Posts, Too Much Stuff:

So there went my regular posting schedule, right out the window and into the trash. I have been so busy/stressed with all this fun fun computer science stuff and calc and just being at school that I have not had time to roam the pages of Alt nearly as much as I would have liked. Halo has been sitting waiting for me to finish it for like 3 days and I have only played a few short MP games. It runs so slow on every computer but we can't install the patch because its cracked right now. Soon as I get some money though, I am buying. Its such a good game, seriously there are a few flaws in it, but overall it is the best FPS I have seen since HL and the MP kicks HL's ass. We have been playing 6-8 player CTF and its the most fun I have had in a Lan game in probably close to a year. Ok well off to Comp Sci. Welcome to all the new members in the Forums. I promise to work on that t-shirt stuff and put up more posts in the blog over the course of this week. <3 for sarahy

Posted by superseth @ 09:54 AM PST


Replies: 4 comments

Halo is awsome, ive been playin it nonstop since LANStorm got in advanced copies last week. I will take anyone at it.

Posted by TJ @ 10/08/2003 03:57 PM PST

well i'm glad it doesn't suck like it does on xbox!! IN YOUR EYE JAMESON!

Posted by kyle @ 10/07/2003 02:00 AM PST

Yay, a new LAN game, I have no intention of playing it until maybe someone on alt dreams gives it to me

Posted by Newt Buggs @ 10/06/2003 03:14 PM PST


dont forget to post pics from the darkroom!

Posted by sarah @ 10/06/2003 01:27 PM PST

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