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03/30/2004 Entry: "Blah Spring Quarter"

Blah Spring Quarter:

I have to run off to calc in a second but at least that is the ONLY CLASS I HAVE ON TUES! awesome, but my Calc teacher is insane and has like 5 different degree's, one of them in like nuclear physics and I am like WTF are you doing teaching calc III? Anyway he is crazy and is making us write an essay about some calc concept later in the quarter, which scares me. Its amazing that after only one day I wake up and don't want to get out of bed. Yesterday there was hope that school would not suck this quarter but already I see that its going to be as bad, maybe even worse! Oh well maybe ill win a warcraft game today?

Posted by superseth @ 09:21 AM PST


Replies: 2 comments

No i have all of my classes mon thurs and friday and 2 of them wed and only calc tues.

Posted by Seth @ 03/30/2004 11:14 AM PST

you told me you had class all day?

Posted by sarah @ 03/30/2004 10:40 AM PST

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