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10/10/2004 Entry: "Tests"


Oi I have two tests on monday and a big portion of my Software Engineering Project due tuesday. Sadly I have done almost no reading for my classes on monday so I have been trying to prepare as much as possible, but if a class is too boring to do the work for on a daily basis, its even harder to do it all in one big orgy of mental suffering. Anyway, it has shot down my dreams of getting the website redesigned this weekend, but thats ok because I don't know how much i really need to change anyway. Oh and if you see a new topic that you can't click on in the recent posts, its because there is now a private section for the game valere and I have begun, and I can't get the posting thing to filter posts in that section. Its not that I don't want people on the boards to read these posts, but a security layer to protect our source code and keep people from linking to the images i post online that aren't reflective of what the final game will have. Not that it matterr yet, there are thousands of failed little games out there, but I hope that someday it will be important to keep things under wraps so I am starting the team out acting like we have a commercial product.

Posted by superseth @ 04:36 PM PST

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