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11/02/2004 Entry: "Election Day"

Election Day:

Well i figured the nationial election deserved perhaps a post here, so lookie a post!

Before I went to math at 6 Kerry was getting pwn'd because of the southern states, but now that I am back home CNN is showing that its 48% to 51% with Bush in the lead. Not that Bush should even have a chance of winning, but it is more exiciting when things are close like this, unlike the 1996 elections where you have Bill Clinton VS Viagra man.

Anyway Ill be back tomorrow to either bitch or laugh, depending on the results.

Regardless today I went to the bathroom during math class because it was too damn boring and ran experiments on how long you have to stand in front of the automatic toilets to make them flush. I determined it to be 23 seconds, but that can be longer if you are too far away. I don't know how it works but maybe sometime later I will do more testing and come up with some real numbers, I have many more math classes this quarter.

Going back to the election, my bathroom experiences have shown me that no matter what happens in the election, in 4 years things will still be boring, because I will still be at Cal Poly doing pointless work! I am not sure if that is going to jinx things and Cal Poly will become the center of the next world war or it is just true and I will die in the bathroom testing the frequency of the squeaks of the doors on the stalls. I dont know what the heck I am talking about so peace.

Posted by superseth @ 08:22 PM PST

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