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01/31/2005 Entry: "Apple Failures"

Apple Failures:

Because most of you around here don't know of the hidden wonders in Apple's past, I figured i'd pass this along so you can all see the strange things which they have tried. Funny that I thought the iPod would be listed here as well when it first came out. Guess I shoudn't be a CEO.

On the other hand they have had the most powerful brand name for 2 years running.

And as a last note, the new powerbooks rock. You can get a light Unix machine which can run photoshop and work natively for 1399 if you are a student. With built in dvdplayer/cd burner, AirPort, bluetooth, a real video card, a 5400 rpm hard drive, and it looks good too.

Posted by superseth @ 09:11 AM PST

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