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07/03/2005 Entry: "movies from games!?"

movies from games!?:

dude, why do they keep picking the stupidest games for movies...err well ruining it so so horribly.
dungeon seige being uwe boll's newest fuck up, and of course the let's put it into the past and take out the nazis from it bloodrayne is almost out into theaters. Yeah, why are they exploring crappy things like this and doa when they could be making duke nukem movies, or devil may cry; that way it could be over the top and cheezy and be true to the material.

let's not even mention the doom movie.....

But yeah, comic book movies that don't suck are finally here, looks like it will be a while before good game movies are around.

Posted by Kyle @ 01:18 AM PST


Replies: 1 Comment


Posted by uityiu @ 07/20/2005 03:17 PM PST

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