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02/02/2007 Entry: "A Million Pengiuns"
![]() superseth |
A Million Pengiuns:
A Million Penguins is a first attempt and making an online group written novel. I don't know how it will turn out, but it is at least interesting. In an semi-related rant, what needs to happen is a web interface that allows the sharing of written works among many people, where drafts can be checked in and comments made directly in the document, so that peers can review and comment on your work, and each version posted would be saved like version controlled code, so you can look back on the development process of any work after it is complete. This would foster new online writing communities and make feedback much easier to get and keep track of when revising. Also, submit name ideas for a lit-mag, because I want to do a one-off over spring break or so. Currently I am addicted to the horrible name, Curves of the Wasteland, because I thought it up for a story I will never write and I like it too much. Hmm, one more also, this time in response to Kyle's comment about removing the gun in DCotE, yes I don't know why developers don't do this more often. The AI in that game is very weak, but for the first story arch of the game it does not matter one bit because they have guns, numbers and are creepy as hell, and you can do nothing but run. For ~15 years people have been trained to deal with enemies from the first person with a gun, the effect of not even having a knife makes you feel so inferior that the game is much scarier than Doom3 ever could have been. The other important element in the horror is that you really do fear the towns-folk, you know they are evil, and you know the main character is going to befall some horrible fate, and you can't stop it. It creates a terror that last for more than a second. Once you see an Imp you get over the fear and start to fight it, the routine returns. This is a momentary scare, based on shock. An intellectual horror, something you can say it just in the game or is going to happen, but you are scared of anyway, is much more powerful. As a last final note, if ever I made a horror game, there would not only be no hud in the game, but no easily accessed menu, because in FEAR it would get to me so much, walking in the dark listening to that girl sneak around, I'd just hit escape and leave it in the menu for a few minutes while I got a snack and recovered calm. I wouldn't want to allow for that, it is cheating. Ok, wow, I do need to sleep soon because I have a BIO test tomorrow that I am not prepared for yet. Posted by superseth @ 03:10 AM PST |