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02/20/2007 Entry: "Virtua Fighter 5 Release"
superseth |
Virtua Fighter 5 Release:
Gamespy has a review up for Virtua Fighter 5, and I am excited. I doubted that something would make me want a PS3 right now, but the thought of waiting 6-8months for this game on 360 makes me crazy. The other thing that worries me is this might finally drive me to getting fighting sticks for the 360, because the d-pads are so frickin bad on those controllers. They have seriously created something worse than the Gamecube D-pad. Also, it baffles me how Sega can put out such consistently good games in the Virtua Fighter series, and yet let so many other franchises go to total crap. You would think that when the board looked at the new 360 version of Sonic The Hedgehog and Virtua Fighter 5 side by side they would recognize that one was utter crap and the other a bestseller. Posted by superseth @ 08:53 AM PST |