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07/17/2007 Entry: "Smashing Pumpkins Show #2"

Smashing Pumpkins Show #2:

spticketsmall2 (75k image)

Greg went with me this night, it was pretty awesome. There are no full setlists online right now, but I will add one later if I find it around. The video above is from that show, with Billy playing a B-side song from the new CD. Quiet songs like this are just what the CD needed to be more than just OK. At least they are playing them live, so I hold out hope for the future.

SF-7.16 (24k image)

SF-7.16 (24k image)

*Update* Here is the setlist, though

*Update Again* Yes I am insane they played it, I watched a video and remember it happening. I must have been overwhelmed or something.

Posted by superseth @ 05:55 PM PST

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