: (:
Right now I don't know what to say about me, but nothing I can think of is good.
Posted by superseth @ 06:18 PM PST
Saturday, January 24, 2004
SLO, Busy:
My PC is totally dead right now so updates will be really rare becaues we are entering the first testing round of the quarter. Have fun all.
Posted by superseth @ 11:37 AM PST
Yayaya I am home and posting on the trusting 1ghz athlon. Sarahy and I got in last night and promptly mocha'd with Greg for a bit then came home and slept till all earthly sense left (gheed anyone). Anyway now I am up and going to do all that fun stuff I do when I am home, hope to see at least some of you this evening.
Posted by superseth @ 09:58 AM PST
Thursday, January 15, 2004

jimson says: "I am female seeking male.... wait what happened? why an i here. crap. crappers!!!!! the sequal." it is my birthday.
Posted by superseth @ 12:43 PM PST
Check the AltDreams forum section for some wallpapers!!!!
Posted by superseth @ 09:30 AM PST
Thursday, January 8, 2004
Where did all the posts go???:
Well Sarahy is up here and moved in, though she still is working on getting settled. Her room is not so bad really, now that I think of it next time i go over i should bring a camera so there can be an image posted. I am still ill and have lost my voice partially as of yesterday so I talk all funny and it is bad. On top of that I have a lot of work in these classes, even though there are 3. I feel bad taking only 12 credits but it is more the HW time than the inclass time that I am concerned about. This means that more icons and some other cool stuff I was working on has been put on hold till at least sometime this weekend. OK time for food then Calc II
Posted by superseth @ 07:34 AM PST
More Video:
Ahhhhh more posting, I am in CSC 102 right now so this will be quick: 1: There are now buddy icons over under the latest forum topics, why? I thought it would be cool, if you have a good idea for one, make it and ill add it to the list, i would like to have like 6-9 good ones. 2: there is a new video of stan : OOO The Devil Revs the GEO 3:Coheed and Cambria are finally on the links 4: There is now a link to the blog archives page, Yaya for new ways to waste time. ok that is enough for right now.
Posted by superseth @ 03:08 PM PST
A Favor House Atlantic:
Oh my I am posting now after I have already taken a shower(during which i was confusing jimson by mumbling lyrics from A Favor House Atlantic, never decide that you are going to listen to both Coheed cd's back to back all the way though when you are driving with a 101 degree fever). THIS IS 7:27, which is a time in which no creature should be stiring, not even a Seth. Oh well again. I have a cough now but actually I think I am a bit better though by the end of the day that probably will change. Matt, a suitemate (in you wierd people who have a commons room dorm terms), deposite a PS2 in our room so I was like rock! Now we just need 1 more console to have every 128 bit machine in here. But then again I would hate for someone to pay for the X-Box. regardless I need to go to class.
Posted by superseth @ 07:32 AM PST
OI so on my way to SLO I slowly got sicker and sicker till I basically had what sarahy has, which is great since I arrived at school with nothing to eat in my room and a high fever. At least campus dining is open today i think, so maybe there is food in my future. It is so far away though and I am achey. Oh well. If I don't post for a while it is because I am bed ridden and the powerbook battery ran out. Peace.
Posted by superseth @ 08:46 AM PST
I went to the mocha and it is so much bigger, wish i had a camera when i was there, but the important thing was that I sat down with Jameson and had fun drinking a chai with soy. Just wanted to say I am glad i went down there before i left for SLO and chatted. More videos and info on what I have been doing when i get to SLO.
Posted by superseth @ 10:51 PM PST
Burniating the Can:
 Yeah, so there was a little expedition last night that result in a lot of taping by me and a lot of fire, it was all rather exciting, various lighlights will be covered in the forums and various LJ's and such. Soon there will be a great film online speaking of the wonders of the first day of 2004, and it won't be all about me locking my keys in the car! Here are some teasers: Goldfish!!! The Deathcorner Theme Song
Posted by superseth @ 01:09 PM PST