Thursday, February 26, 2004
Coming home:
Ok I have been avoiding a post because I am just far too lazy to do things like write for the site, haha. I have been busy, that is for sure, but not so busy that I couldn't have posted. Really, posting about nothing like I used to doesn't exicite me that much, so I try and wait till i feel like writing out a big long record of what have been doing, but instead nothing ever gets put up. Anyway, I think I am coming down this weekend to see Feb off in the Southern regions. GO FEB 29th!. A few weeks in the future will be my spring break, starting the 19th of March I believe. I doubt that syncs up with anyone else but oh well. I hope that I can get my hands on a working PC by then. Since the 1ghz seems to work for me most of the time, there is no real rush over here, AIM and Mozilla and Java are all happy in Linux. I should be home by late friday night, so call me anytime saturday and maybe ill be free, I have a lot of things to do back home but I hope to get to see everyone at a mocha or something.
Posted by superseth @ 03:15 PM PST
Friday, February 13, 2004
Jack's Dildo:
Yeah so we went to Jack in the Box in honor of kyle and i got a kids meal, which came with this lovely thing.

just look at it upside down for a while. sarah loves it.
Posted by superseth @ 09:30 PM PST
Busy Busy:
Amazing, I am here to post!!! I have finished my Discrete Structures work with some time to spare. Well not really finished, but most of the assignment for today has been done, which is about normal. Anyway lately I have been all over the place doing required shopping and visiting sarahy and getting food. Jimson is trying to become a CA citizen since it is cheaper to go to school here, so we made a visit to the DMV. In the few hours I have spent playing games in the last week I went back to Shining Force II, maybe ill beat the game someday! Not this weekend though because with a java project to program and valintines day saturday the forecast is busy agian. Luckily I have monday off so I should have some time to take it slow then. I mailed in my motherboard for RMA so heres hoping i get a new one so I can be back in full computing action soon, I have to get some B-Net games in before the next lan, which had better be soon. Brian ( as in crazy honda driving Brian) was on last night and we talked for a bit. It made me miss playing CS in Noels sunroom ever so much. That and reading, and sitting around all weekend playing Diablo II and Heros II. Ok enough of all of that. If I haven't talked to you in a long time, I am sorry and I don't mean it, call me sometime.
Posted by superseth @ 01:49 PM PST
Hit that:
Just a brief note: Sarah warned me that "Spare me the Details" by Offspring was addicting, but I didn't listen and now I am lost and Jimson is going insane.
Posted by superseth @ 12:05 AM PST
Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Come on over and do the twist, overdo it and have a fit.
Posted by superseth @ 11:33 PM PST
So, a Post:
I was going to make last weekend the weekend of getting all things caught up and finishing things i have put off for a long time, but it ended up being rather busy with Kyle and Cori coming up/down here to SLO on Friday. They got in late and we hung out for a while then they slept in the dorm here Friday, Saturday we got food and watched Roger Rabbit and hung out because we were all tired. I swear my tiredness spreads to everyone who is around me. Kyle brought me the good old GHZ CompUSA PC, so I now have a PC again. Too bad my CPU won't work in the old mobo because I am stuck with half the mhz as my old machine. I installed Fedora Linux on a spare drive. I am trying to learn to use it as my main OS now on the PC, at least till I can build a new rig that can play games again. I still have XP for when I need to get to Daikatana : ) . There are some things that are ridiculously hard to do for how simple they are in Linux, but the concpt and core of the OS is good. Hopefully there will be more posts soon. Oh and just for fun, props to the chicken.
Posted by superseth @ 10:37 PM PST