Sunday, February 27, 2005
New Alice Site:
For those of you still with Alice installed, check out this new site. Surely the most active editing that as ever gone on for Alice, perhaps when this quarter is over I will begin playing with the map editor. Anyway, I just wanted to pass along the new to you all since not too many people check the old anymore.
Posted by superseth @ 10:22 PM PST
Friday, February 25, 2005
Stuff and more Stuff:
This weekend is going to be crazy, starting right now as I have a midterm and HW due back to back and I am ready for neither. Oh well. And I move into a new room on saturday sometime. No idea how I will fit all my crap in a smaller room, oh well we shall see!  While I go insane over the next few days, watch this and perhaps go get some more rachael yamagata. Letter Read is my current happiness. I worry though that her online store doesn't even seem to carry male shirts. Oh and HERE is why windows is a bad os devil. Start moving away from the darkness because in a year or 2 Mircosoft will have locked down windows so much it will be a subscription serivce and all files created on it belong to them if you cancel the account. Not really, but they have been getting scary lately, and this is only the begining.
Posted by superseth @ 09:36 AM PST
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Put the lotion on your skin and watch the video again:
This explains most of my weekend. This should explain the rest. te-he says the devil
Posted by superseth @ 11:28 PM PST
Friday, February 18, 2005
Home and Shit:
Well I am home. Not really sure why I am here, or what I am going to do. That is the theme of everything nowdays though. I do know I want to go to lou's tomorrow.
Posted by superseth @ 11:37 PM PST
Constantly amaze me!:
GO SEE CONSTANTINE!!! I came out of the movie shaking. I was not dissipointed at ALL! In fact I want to see it again right now. The trailer is crap, don't believe it. Cinematography is bomb. Acting- wow- keanu you bastard! HE actually is o.k. Besides having a stunning plot, caracters you care about, and a truely amazing setting. The movie excels at horror and uses action eficently. The impression of constant use of cgi presented in the trailer is misleading. I heard bitches along the lines of "there should have been more. There should be more shown". I disagree, I think it leaves it mysterious and awesome. JUST GO SEE IT! SERIOUSLY, I LOVED IT!
Posted by Greg @ 09:20 PM PST
Going home:
I'm going home for the long weekend so maybe ill see some of you. Give me a call. While you are at it, read this review of Constantine before you run out and see it in theaters. I might still do it because it looks so pretty, but just don't go looking for something awesome.
Posted by superseth @ 02:17 PM PST
Monday, February 14, 2005
Happy Valentines Day! Here is an article about love in video games, its not really good but oh well. To celebrate I will be loggin into WoW (this is my last day before the account expires) and buying my Palaidin girl a lots of drinks and some roasted boar meat in stormwind! Then we can so swim in the lake! <3
Posted by superseth @ 01:08 AM PST
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Death and Happiness:
Umm yeah, so I have gone insane. Not like my normal insanity where this happens: Seth: Jimson I have gone insane Jimson: You are always crazy Seth: Perhaps Jimson: huzzah but more like I actually don't know what I am doing anymore or what I want or what others think of me or if being alive is a good plan. Not that I want to die overall, I just want to die like in the now. This path in my life, see it?, yeah it needs to die, but it won't. Its like one of those zombies in Resident Evil that you have to kill and then burn or they come back even more pissed off, only i'm all out of matches. Actually I don't think even burning things would make it better. Besides all you have left after you burn something are some ashes and stinky smoke. and I'd hate to carry around ashes On another totally random note: watch this and laugh! WHEEEEEEEE Alanis
Posted by superseth @ 12:48 PM PST
Friday, February 11, 2005
I got accepted to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago!!!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Posted by Selena @ 03:44 PM PST
Yaya it has returned to me, tricky trucks running away. I want my truck back
Posted by superseth @ 12:22 AM PST
I think you all need to see Hotel Rwanda. not because it's an amazing movie. but because as an american you should be ashamed of yourself for not doing more. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, you should already feel guilty. I'm a hypocrit.
Posted by Selena @ 01:49 AM PST
Saturday, February 5, 2005
Madi Gras:
I have been waiting for this weekend to come so it could be over for a while. It has become even more a pile of evil as now that there are both the fucking drunks and cops all over which get in everyones way. Oh well rot all of you black gutted fools. Good thing it is only one weekend.
Posted by superseth @ 08:55 PM PST
This is one of those times that I worry. goodnight
Posted by superseth @ 12:01 AM PST
Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Azn Fingers:
All i have to say is, CRAZY AZN POWA!!
Posted by superseth @ 12:40 AM PST