The Evil Box:
So yeah it has been a long time since there was an update. The forums are active again to some degree, that is good and ill be checking them often, you should too. I have been failing of lot of things, calc, using meal credits and keeping a xBox out of the room.

more to come at some point in the future. oh and grabbed by the ghoulies is a good game from rare even if they are a microsoft slave now.
Posted by superseth @ 08:23 PM PST
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Posted by superseth @ 10:23 PM PST
Sun Machines of Death:
So I am in Java lab waiting for Jimson to finish so I can go back to the room and lay down or something. I have a calc test tomorrow and it will not be a happy thing. Somewhere along the line I stopped understanding anything in Calc and it is all just a fuzzy headache now. Oh well. The internet has be really really crappy here at school, even aim lags my browsing recently, so there has been no War3 or UT2004, though I have been learning a little Unreal Script. Hopefully ill have some sort of mutator to show everyone at some point. Things are working up so that I hope to have both War of the Ages stuff to work on and the beginings of an FLF inspired mod for UT2004, the people making FLF see to have lost thier way and haven't told me if they ever plan to do an FLF for UT. I just think it would work really well and its not that there was ever a problem with FLF's gameplay at its core, just problems with its support online. Not that all of this will help be pass that calc test tomorrow but I am here to learn how to make games someday right....ok yeah time to go fishing.
Posted by superseth @ 01:42 PM PST
Just had some time between classes and decided that you should see this action. get it here oh and what would you think of FLF for Ut2004? Or something at least like it. I think that would pwn the double domination mode.
Posted by superseth @ 02:14 PM PST
Tired but good:
The weekend has begun! After classes sarahy came over and we all piled in her car to go get azn food in town, it was alright but I am hungery now that its 1am and it cost me $13 for buffet action. I need to be able to eat more at one time. Anyway after that we stopped by Staples to get some mailing stuff for ebay and I grabbed 10 DVD-R's to backup stuff on the powerbook and maybe burn a few Video DVD's. Then it was off to Best Buy and Sarahy stopped by Borders while I looked at wireless routers but they are too much to be worth it at this time, maybe this summer my mom will split the cost of one with me or something. I got a copy of Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon because it looks to be such a good game and the fact that its already $20 is just sad. I haven't played it yet but I can tell you its worth more than that so if you are looking for something to play go get a copy! Jimson and I have been playing a lot more UT2004 between classes and stuff so he bought a copy for $34.99 as well so now we can both play online in servers. After that we came back to my dorm and sarah and I colored with crayons and watched Simpsons! I forgot we got the crayons at Staples, so there you go. Sarahy made an awesome Chain Chomp picture and a Rainbow in the Dark, and I drew Sonic giving a three finger boy scout sign. Anyway to bed and other such things. Have a good night everyone and love for sarahy.
Posted by superseth @ 01:42 AM PST
One more class:
Only one more class till its THE WEEKEND!!!! the first weekend of the quarter, and I am already spending the week longing for an end. Oh well at least we can all http://altereddreams.net/files/movies/dancing.wmv>dance when we have done too much calculus and have rotted our brains.
Posted by superseth @ 02:01 PM PST