New Zealand July 30th:
Today we just hung out in the house and the Devil made a TON of money, while Kyle and I watched Kenshin. I tried to learnt to knit, but it was not a good thing really. Anyway since there are no real pictures, I give you this that we took in the arcade the other day. The manager didn't want pictures taken, but I had to get one for Tim.

Posted by superseth @ 12:59 AM PST
New Zealand King Dick:

Posted by NewtBuggs @ 04:16 PM PST
New Zealand July 29th:
We took tons of photos so I am just going to post images of what we did today with comments and see how that goes.

The train-station front, we ride the train to town every day

We visit a government building and noel declares himself King

Noel and Kyle find water. Its facinating.

Kyle calls this the gay pose, I say it looks alright

The Devil scales the statue at the capital

Seth attempts to communicate with evil, its requires much hand waving.

Noel climbs/humps the capital.

I want to live like common people
Mis-shapes, mistakes.
Posted by superseth @ 01:42 AM PST
New Zealand July 28th:
I know its a day late but here is what we did on the 28th of July. We took the bus back into Wellington and walked around. We had woken up at around 6am since the time here was still funny to us. There was a battle with a toilet that you can ask noel about on aim if you want details... Anyway:

A taxi downtown

Noel required a power adapter to play poker, so we got one from Dick
We were looking for food and found this bagel place with a devil on the from of it.

Bagels are evil in this country
We found a happy building that I desired to photograph, but Kyle wanted to be in the pictures.

Kyle has something in his front pocket for you

Seth hates people

It started to rain but we wandered around the shopping malls anyway

Simple plan invades the country, Seth gives the camera to Kyle

It rains. Buildings are cool.
Sorry that i sorta forgot to add real comments, but hey, I am a lazy bastard.
Posted by superseth @ 12:34 AM PST
New Zealand July 27th:
Well, it might not be July 27th by CA standards, but while I'm in NZ things go by the this time. Anyway, we obviously made it here, though not without a long and crazy plane flight and some running around looking for connecting flights. We arrived in Wellington with probably 20+ hours of traveling already and had to take the bus downtown to the train station. It was not until we had boarded the train to Mana (the stop by the house we are staying in) that it occured to me to start taking pictures.

Noel sits on the train, his declared occupation on entering the country poker.
Since we didn't have too much of an idea where the house was, when we got to our stop I busted out the PowerBook to look at notes I took before leaving, which now feels like about a week ago instead of about a day.

Mana train station with PowerBook
The sad part is that once I had looked at the rough map I had downloaded on my computer, we set off up a very scary hill, with a full months worth of luggage in tow. After having hauled it around the airport trying to get to a flight, I was pretty beat.

Long deadly hill

At the end of the hill we were faced with even more things to climb
At the top of the stairs was the the house which has an excellent street address.

The view from the house is pretty awesome as well. Ill post a higher resolution photo later.

View from the deck
Marita, the woman who is now taking care of the house and her daughter came home and we introduced ourselves. There are bedrooms downstairs which have been unused so things shouldn't be interrupted too much by Noel and Kyle ranting about poker and me babbling about everthing. Marita drove us to the New World food store to get some frozen stuff real quick since she had to go out and we only had some trail mix to eat. Now Kyle is fighting the onions on his frozen pizza because they don't carry anything plain enough for him around here. Maybe tomorrow we will take the train into Wellington. Hopefully I can keep this up with posts every day, though I will probably make Kyle or Noel do it in a while so its not just me talking the whole time.
Posted by superseth @ 10:07 PM PST
Cheap HL2:
Not that I like the game, but Compusa has Half-Life 2 for $20, which is about what it is worth, meaning if you don't own a copy you should hop on out and grab one. Now back to packing. If I get time I'm going to prepare a part of the site for the New Zealand trip, in hopes that I will have a desire to fill it and therefore post semi-daily with photos. We shall see...
Posted by superseth @ 10:35 AM PST
Kyle and a Cat:
A cat and Kyle have been playing Simons says for the last few minutes and the Cat has been tricking Kyle by hitting the red in strange patterns. Will he be able to overcome this evil? Who knows, but the devil was confused about something and I had an answer: [20:46] Gravis31: ITS A COCK YOU FOOL
Posted by superseth @ 09:37 PM PST
Mlik-Man Comic #1:
I have just uploaded the first Maury the Milk-Man comic, to be found at milkman.altereddreams.net Tell me if you find any errors or things that bother you, I've looked at it too much to really know what it looks like to normal people.
Posted by superseth @ 05:29 PM PST
Today is the day of Billy Corgan and free Slurpees!!!
Posted by superseth @ 12:46 PM PST
Not that this will lead to anything, but for those who read this, what would you want in an online radio station? Live broadcasting is possible so like short show ideas are as good as music suggestions and genre blocks such as a Metal hour. Thinking beyond you, what do think the people you know would want, underground hits like Motley Crüe? *JK* More to come in the next few days. Along with a few other surprises...
Posted by superseth @ 12:11 AM PST
I was crazy tonight and updated dreams.altereddreams.net for the first time in a while. Not totally sure, but I think that is the first new photo I have posted online in over a year. Yesterday I played Monopoly with Kyle, Greg, Noel and Leah (hope I have spelle that correctly). Kyle got so luck with the rolls it was ridiclous. Not much going on around here till this weekend, then many things will happen, which you already know about if they affect you...
Posted by superseth @ 12:03 AM PST
movies from games!?:
dude, why do they keep picking the stupidest games for movies...err well ruining it so so horribly. dungeon seige being uwe boll's newest fuck up, and of course the let's put it into the past and take out the nazis from it bloodrayne is almost out into theaters. Yeah, why are they exploring crappy things like this and doa when they could be making duke nukem movies, or devil may cry; that way it could be over the top and cheezy and be true to the material. let's not even mention the doom movie..... But yeah, comic book movies that don't suck are finally here, looks like it will be a while before good game movies are around.
Posted by Kyle @ 01:18 AM PST
Back in SD:
We are all back in San Diego. Sometime Kyle or I will fill in some of the things we did in Seattle here, but not tonight. Now that I am back home it is time for Guild Wars and sleep and general cleaning of things around the room and life. Ill be in town for a while so give me a call or AIM if you are around.
Posted by superseth @ 12:42 AM PST