Cats in Sinks:
Really there isn't much to say but Cats in Sinks are cool.
Posted by superseth @ 08:14 PM PST
I have been working at school during the days, soon it will be off to SLO time. I have so much to take and so much to do once I get there, but so much to do here. I am definitly not used to being so busy/poor/semi-sane. Shogun for the DS. More proof that by the end of its life, the DS will be the best system of this generation.
Posted by superseth @ 06:58 PM PST
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Star Wars Engrish:

This will make you laugh, promise.
Posted by superseth @ 10:35 AM PST
Thursday, August 25, 2005
NZ Photo of Me:
Here is one of the few photos of me, I had Kyle snap a few shots when we were at a show in a local coffee place. Photoshop has made it somewhat cool if you look at it all large and blown-up. Anywhere, here you go.
Posted by superseth @ 11:59 PM PST
Soma FM:
If your music sucks or you don't have anything new, you should try one of the channels on SomaFM. Since my linux partition has no music really I have been listening to this since I came home, and its been pretty entertaining. Im all about the Indie Pop stream.
Posted by superseth @ 07:10 PM PST
New Zealand Summary:
Here is a listing of all the posts we made while in New Zealand. Ill keep upgrading this post, which should be permanently saved here.
- New Zealand July 27th
- New Zealand July 28th
- New Zealand July 29th
- New Zealand King Dick
- New Zealand July 30th
- New Zealand August 1st
- New Zealand August 3st
- New Zealand August 4th
- New Zealand August 5th
- New Zealand August 6th
- New Zealand August 8th
- New Zealand August 10th
- New Zealand August 12th
- New Zealand August 13th
- New Zealand August 16th
- New Zealand August 17th
- New Zealand August 19th
- First 35mm Photos
- More 35mm Photos
- NZ Photo of Me
Websites I used a lot while in NZ
- Smoke CD's - Internation Sales of NZ Bands
- Slow Boat Records - The Lou's of Wellington
- Katipo Cafe - Not really a website, but a good place to go
- NZ Music - More good music info.
- Hell's Pizza - They are everywhere, hate bush, make decent pizza, and delivere for $4 NZ
- The Feathers Pub Well that is just a rough address, but walk down Featherson from the train station and you will see it, a green side on the left side of the street. An excellent place.
- The Phoenix Foundation - Excellent Wellington Band, the singer also has some records out under the name buda
- Goldenhorse - Auckland band, poppy but good
- The Accelerants - Another good Wellington band
- Fat Freddy's Drop - An interesting Wellington reggae/dub band
- Fur Patrol - former Wellington band, check out thier first EP StarLifter
Posted by superseth @ 05:35 PM PST
New Zealand Home::
Noel and I are back in the USA and its 10:48AM and I am up! Hurray. I doubt ill be full of energy, but the time change seems to be somewhat defeated. Last night I had a dream where I was describing living with noel for a few weeks to greg, and I summed it up as "The slow curddling of my soul." It entertained me enough that I remembered it. Maybe later today/tomorrow ill make a post linking to all the old NZ posts for those of you that missed some of the early ones, as those really are the good ones anyway.
Posted by superseth @ 10:51 AM PST
Saturday, August 20, 2005
New Zealand August 19th:
So this should be the last post I make in New Zealand with real new content. There is so much I haven't posted here, add 16 rolls of 35mm film with 36 shots a roll for the most part just sitting on the floor, so more will come later. Tomorrow Ill probably make a summary post with links to all of the entries in order after we clean up and get ready to leave.

The moon at the train station on my last night in Wellington

Today we tried to find a park, but failed so I took photos of moss to ease my woes

This is where the Moss was, I took a lot of 35mm stuff there that I hope comes out, it should be awesome!

Probably my last photo in NZ, taken when my poor camera ran out of ammo in its last clip!
Posted by superseth @ 03:44 AM PST
CHOPSTICKS AND WOMEN. Recipe to take over the world: One chopstick that contains:Name, Age, Sex, e-mail. One Woman-no matter what sex you are, you need a woman. One HUNDRED pound of sushi. The catch? Take over darkside and defeat all that have horns.
Posted by Selena @ 04:47 PM PST
Thursday, August 18, 2005
So as i sit here and my uc application fails to be submitted (every other page works fine and loads in no time but u know the thing won't let me pay for it...WHY!?) i decided to read and oh my... So why is it that i find the V for Vendetta movie was written by the wachowski brothers!!!??? omg, poor allan moore what more can they do to u! If u don't know, the wachowskis are the matrix people....
Posted by Kyle @ 08:04 PM PST
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
New Zealand August 17th:
So yeah we aren't going to the south island, its silly but it happens. Instead I played on the beach all morning! It was a lovely day and watching Noel play poker holds no joy for me anymore.

So I made a happy little altereddreams logo on the beach.

Viral marketing works!

The I found tires and make a pirate flag! Sorta. Really it was my shirt, but it was the best flag I could find. Flags don't normally lay on beaches. The same could be said for tires I guess, this was a magic beach.

Here are some pictures that entertained me from the piles of unposted stuff.
Posted by superseth @ 12:35 AM PST
New Zealand Going South:
Noel and I are taking the ferry south to Picton for a few days. I am leaving my Powerbook here rather than drag it along with me the whole time, so I'm not sure if there will be any posts for a bit. If not Ill make one big post when I return. Update: Opps forget that.
Posted by superseth @ 07:57 PM PST
Greg's Birthday:
Posted by superseth @ 04:45 PM PST
Saturday, August 13, 2005
New Zealand Goldenhorse Concert:
 Last night Noel and I went to the Opera House to see Goldenhorse. The theatre was really cool but our seats where pretty high up. It was interesting to be staring down on a band from overhead while they played. At least sitting down is better than standing for many hours in a big open floor venue. In the begining I was a bit dissappointed because they were playing pretty soft, cutey songs, many from thier first cd which I haven't heard before but most everyone there had - they are pretty big on the radio over here. Anyway as things moved on the songs got more lively and they started changing roles around, the keyboardist taking guitar and the guitarist singing etc. I was rather entertained by the little dances the singer did while she was doing her thing up front. Noel survived and voted it "better that Ludacris", so thats something at least. The photo above has nothing to do with last nights show, its just the best photo I could locate of them performing, it seems they don't have crazy fan sites that take pictures of every concert and upload the here in NZ, even for thier big bands. Breaks Co-Op opened for them, they're another NZ band from Auckland. I wasn't too impressed, but we had to worry about the concert going past the last train so I was more concerned with them leaving and Goldenhorse coming than them playing. Maybe Ill regret that after I've listened to thier cd a little more. Anyway, thats about it for now. We are going to the South Island on Tuesday here, so thats in 2 days from now. We are staying in some hostel that noel found online. We shall see how that goes.
Posted by superseth @ 10:27 PM PST
Thursday, August 11, 2005
New Zealand August Something:
Today I did a great battle with the phone, Cal Poly registration, the NZ version of ticket master, party poker and Noel's attacks on my soul. Not to mention I woke up at like 4:30 Am this time for some reason and couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well tomorrow I hope to do more outside the house, but it has been getting colder. At least I knit for a while.
Posted by superseth @ 01:37 AM PST
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
wtf mate?:
say it with me everybody.... Jurassic Park 4 is coming.... ????WHY!?????? oh and i'm still very afraid of what steven spielberg is going to do to the transformers, since they were cool when i was young. but did u all know that they are supposedly going to film more sin city and produce a sequel?
Posted by Kyle @ 09:51 PM PST
New Zealand August 10th:
OK so today we stopped off the train at Poriua to look around. It was much more suburban than the what we have seen so far, we went to a mall for lunch and other than the trash cans things were like the USA. The cars stinks a lot more here though.

I got more film for the 35mm so this is the best out of the digital shots today, using it much less

I thought this would be much cooler than it was, I had to get the 35mm out and the lady that ran the building got mad at me for hanging over her fence with a camera.

Just the like rose place on the 101, those of you from the coast will know what I am talking about. The building next-door is a funeral home, I found that funny somehow.

That's just rubbish.
Posted by superseth @ 03:28 AM PST
New Zealand August 8th:
*Update* Kyle found an actual sample of lemur speechhere Noel and I went into Wellington to run some errands and I took a few photos. Really now we are just hanging out and going to get food and coffee at places, nothing too exciting, but there is a back-log of photos to be put up so hopefully new stuff will come every day or so.

I know there are getting to be a lot of images on here, I am going to turn down the # of entries displayed so if something you wanted isn't on the main page anymore, just go to the archives link above and you can read them.
Posted by superseth @ 01:32 AM PST
Posted by superseth @ 03:18 AM PST
Umm... I guess she has a boyfriend? Haha. On the bright side she's back and talking to me again. Funny how when she comes back home I'm talked to. Well its been a month of no talk... so ignore time is in effect. Girls BLOW!!!
Posted by Greg @ 05:56 PM PST
New Zealand August 6th:
Today Kyle left for home and I was left alone with Noel and his poker tables for a long time. This resulted in me building a little hut out of blankets and laying under it listening to Sarah McLachlan and watching the visualizer in iTunes. Yeah I was a bit insane : ) Now I am looking around the internet and listening to Kittie. This image keeps me company. 
It makes me giggle.
Posted by superseth @ 12:24 AM PST
New Zealand Crap from Seth::

Posted by superseth @ 10:27 PM PST
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Going to the zoo!:
Yeah today we went to the zoo; don't worry about yesterday cause nothing really important happened, we just went to this free mesuem that made us all hate life and got something good to eat at "the feathers" which is my Santana's or what not of this land....meaning it's my happiness. Ok so let's get to the images of teh wellington zoo, it is a zoo that only cost us 6 bucks new zealand (like 4.50 u.s.)!

This is a Malayan Sun Bear; did u children know they do not hybernate!? crazy i know, but a bear from asia just has these talents.

Oh do not ask why because i can not tell u but the kangaroos entertain me so much. As you can see at this zoo the animals and the fences and all are just kinda weak so you get to be really close to them...just wait a few pictures and you'll really see what i mean.

Here we have...oh crap well i forget what this thing is but it eats bamboo and looks kinda like a warped raccoon. You should watch these things climb trees though because it does it quite effortlessly.

The lemur says woogie woogie woogie
Okay so things in this country are pretty relaxed...and the zoo is no exception. I mean it's a nice little zoo that is located like 50 yards from a football field or seems that close, but i mean it's strange. For example one of the zoo employees was talking about how he was going to feed the african wild dogs, and basically he just starts lobbing hunks of meat over the pen out of a bucket and talking to us at the same time! I don't know why that is so funny, but i mean cmon this professional employee or whatever is just chucking this stuff over the fence. He did talk for like 20 minutes and tell us some really cool things i never knew about african wild dogs; such as the fact that these things can run for literally 2 hours at 33 mph for their prey...pretty crazy. But yeah we also saw the iguana that got fed and well, it seemed to lean over his branch and look like he was about to die or was having serious digestion problems....well i guess u had to be there for that one but ok look at this!

Apparently here at this zoo it's a GOOD idea to walk around with the cheetahs. WHY!? i have no clue...but they take them out for walks around with the customers. Not to mention the cheetahs seemed pretty opposed to this, one of them kept flopping itself down on the concrete and the zookeeper had to lift him/her up by their tail and head..yea pretty crazy zoo.
Then later in the day we went to hell, it's the name of this cool pizza place a few minutes away from the house that has skeletons and pictures from where the wild things are all over the place...and some decent pizza. My only problem with today is that the pictures of philosopher Baboon would not turn out...this giant baboon with einstein hair that sat on his glorious tree...damn he's awesome.
Posted by Kyle @ 03:02 AM PST
New Zealand August 3st:
We went to the Zoo today, Kyle will be along with a post in a bit, but I just wanted to toss up this photo which I took today. It's the only thing which I've taken so far that I really like, funny that its just of a chain-link fence. Then again, all of my 35mm rolls are undeveloped and thats what I use mainly.

Posted by superseth @ 12:03 AM PST
New Zealand August 1st:
Well kids today we went on an adventure out in the wilderness of the kaori wildlife preserve. Basically it's this 215 acre sanctuary for birds and a few other rare creatures that costs hardly anything to get into and u can walk around pretty much unsupervised. Unfortunately many of our pictures did not turn out , and seeing how this place was visually the most stunning we have been to so far that is just too bad. But some of them are good such as these:

this is a view of a large portion of the park from the top of the reservoir dam

the only picture so far with the three of us; this is at the top of the same reservoir dam

This is just some random vegetation and things; very green obviously

i took a picture of seth taking pictures, i think i confused him.

The birds in new zealand are friendly; this one got real close to noel and i and then he decided to hop on top of noel's head and ask the devil what he was building in there. Unfortunately the video of this is somehow not here....which has made seth very upset.
so yes so far today was my favorite day here, and i think tommorow we will be going to a zoo so that should be cool.
Posted by Kyle @ 01:57 AM PST