Thursday, August 10, 2006
I know you tried to change things...:
and all we get is dead disco dead funk dead rock and roll also, I risen to a higher level, transcended the lowly confines of those who comb their hair with a fork. With my new comb in hand, I am unstoppable. At least until I lose this one while moving my rooms around again. Yes rooms, I currently am spread over about 3 1/2 rooms in various houses, and it is trouble. Enough of that, the singer for Metric has a solo CD coming, here.
Posted by superseth @ 02:52 PM PST
Chair Pile:
 I was left home alone all this weekend and this is what happened to all our chairs from the kitchen. Big version here.
Posted by superseth @ 07:31 PM PST
The summer is going fast, I hope to come home sometime in the next few weeks for 4 days or so. I just got the carpet resolved in my room, so I have been moving in things today as well as play magic a bit. Right now I should be over at school playing but I am tired so it is posting time. Ill put pictures up in the next few days of the new house, right now things are a mess. If you are bored you should go look at TheDittyBops, they are so silly. Google will help you out.
Posted by superseth @ 12:09 AM PST
(17:50:44) mondoCHICKEN: i'll be in esco Sept 11-14 (17:51:07) mondoCHICKEN: i'll be in vegas the week before
Posted by Kyle @ 08:54 PM PST