Aerials, in the sky......

Posted by superseth @ 12:54 PM PST
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Jamba Juice:
I went to jamba juice today for free stuff!!! yayyaa. and just like sarahy said, they needed a smaller size, so they have one now!!!!

Posted by superseth @ 05:57 PM PST
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
yo! mario!:
jimson made me take a picture of this screen from mario 3, right now he is saying things like, its moving so fast! omg its moving so fast! becasue he is on the moving world 8 levels.
I just like that it says Yo! at the begining. update: matt: what should i do for that sentence? seth: jimson did you get that? jimson: what? i was in my mario world.
Posted by superseth @ 12:05 AM PST
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
So here is a quick little update on how things are at Cal Poly  First off you have to see all the consoles that are laying on our floor, everyone in the dorms that is cool comes here to get the nintiendo fun after classes. Of course this leads to us never doing any work, thanks sarahy for the SNES loan! We even have Daikatana on the N64!!!!  Ahhh yeah so there was the bee on the window and I was like DIE and hit it with some papers rolled up and I cracked the whole window. Too bad I forgot to take a picture of it cracked. Now we have a nice wood covering that appeared today.  The meal plans suck here so I try and eat breakfast in the room to save some $$$$ but that means i have to do dishes, and that is always a funny sight.  And of course beyond the consoles we have the desktop Pc, the new Powerbook G4, a CD-Burner, a Printer, a Scanner, an external 250 gig hd, webcam and digital camera!!!. Gotta love the power bills. anyway more updates to come i promise and more often.
Posted by superseth @ 08:48 AM PST
Oh yeah, I guess i should say that there are some new picts in the gallery under my section. Took me forever to upload them. They mostly suck, but there are a few in the color photos section that I like. More to come a times goes by.
Posted by superseth @ 09:25 AM PST
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Where is Seth?:
Where is Seth? He is traped in the Sun, aka Sun Java. Death...
Posted by superseth @ 12:30 AM PST
Digital Camera!!!:
Yayay I got a Nikon 4300 in the mail today!!! 4 mega-pixels of fun.

Posted by superseth @ 12:06 AM PST
Thursday, October 9, 2003
For my commentary on our new Governor, check out this relic from the forums. Our Leader
Posted by superseth @ 11:09 AM PST
Making Chess in Econ:
I installed PHP chess in /chess/ on alt dreams. I placed in a post in the forums for easy access, I hope that works out. If anyone finds better software tell me. I am in econ right now so I can't test it very well.
Posted by superseth @ 09:54 AM PST
Too Few Posts, Too Much Stuff:
So there went my regular posting schedule, right out the window and into the trash. I have been so busy/stressed with all this fun fun computer science stuff and calc and just being at school that I have not had time to roam the pages of Alt nearly as much as I would have liked. Halo has been sitting waiting for me to finish it for like 3 days and I have only played a few short MP games. It runs so slow on every computer but we can't install the patch because its cracked right now. Soon as I get some money though, I am buying. Its such a good game, seriously there are a few flaws in it, but overall it is the best FPS I have seen since HL and the MP kicks HL's ass. We have been playing 6-8 player CTF and its the most fun I have had in a Lan game in probably close to a year. Ok well off to Comp Sci. Welcome to all the new members in the Forums. I promise to work on that t-shirt stuff and put up more posts in the blog over the course of this week. <3 for sarahy
Posted by superseth @ 09:54 AM PST
Wednesday, October 1, 2003
the creature in the sky got sucked in ahole now there's a hole in the sky and the ground's not cold and if the ground's not cold everything is gonna burn we'll all take turns i'll get mine, too this monkey's gone to heaven if man is 5 [3x] then the devil is 6 [5x] then god is 7 [3x] this monkey's gone to heaven -pixies
Posted by superseth @ 03:00 PM PST