Tuesday, November 18, 2003
An Update From Cal Poly Economics:
Ahhh Oh my god the CSC 101 midterm last night was death. My group was the first and they didn't have the room or the tests ready and then the automated grading machine was dying from all the hits. The room was like a Warcraft battle with the devil for the first hour, then the rest was like what happens in Warcraft after you lose the first battle, meaning things just went down hill from there. You had to be there to understand the pain that even the later grups suffered, but it is a good thing you don't. Now to more photos since that is what being in Econ is all about.
 it is space balls!!!!! this truck made me so happy i had to take a picture.
 its the SLO mocha, they get better bands, though they still aren't good for much more than BG music. There should be some more photos in the Color Digital section of the gallery now too. I know it needs to be skinned, but I tried to and it wouldn't even change so for now I say screw it.
Posted by superseth @ 10:00 AM PST
Monday, November 17, 2003
updates coming:
after the flurry of updates last week things have been quiet on the main page and I am sorry, CSC midterm tonight and a Lab due tuesday night, ill post more images and info on Cal Poly happening in the near future.
Posted by superseth @ 02:26 PM PST
Thursday, November 13, 2003
WHY DOESN"T ANYONE COMMENT GRRRR Oh yeah and I called both Jameson and Greg today, it was like a revolution or something (or maybe i miss the mocha :( )... and Nirvana still rocks
Posted by superseth @ 08:56 PM PST
Garden Girl:
So I was in Econ today and I noticed another installation by the Envi Arch class, this time about abortion so when I went back down that way to calc, I took along my digital camera with me and took some pictures. Since I have a midterm tomorrow in Calc I figured it would be good to waste sometime in photoshop instead of prepare (this is alway the course of action to take should you be faced with work) and..... well skip all that I made this by abusing custom brushes and color levels. Yes it is all photoshoppy but it is the first thing in a while i really like so here it is in small form. Like it as much as me and you can have the big version. oh and the heart thing is painted on the wall way out in the arch building. I like those arch people, they make cool thing for me to take pictures of.

Posted by superseth @ 08:49 PM PST
Pop Tarts:
Why are Pop Tarts so bad when you actually pop them in the toaster??? and why are mine Cat in the Hat????? and why is the Cat in the Hat at the post office, and the movies and on tv and in the bookself!!!!!! He is taking over and feeding us products that are worse when you follow directions OH THE HUMANITY;
Posted by superseth @ 12:24 PM PST
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
A new Image:

Posted by superseth @ 02:28 PM PST
Thursday, November 6, 2003
New Photos:
First off, I am sorry the forums have been shitty recently, I bitched at my host about it, but for the coming month or so I can't do too much about it, AltDreams has been sitting in one place for almost 2 years now and to move the whole thing somewhere else would be a major major job for me. Maybe at X-mas. To make up for this horrible MySQL hell, I give you a sample of my darkroom work for the week:

they will all be posted in the gallery shortly under 35mm.
Posted by superseth @ 05:34 PM PST
Wednesday, November 5, 2003
* I was going to post this in the forums but things are broken* The downtime for the forums recently has been due to my host being shitty with thier MySQL server again. Once I get the time during X-mas I will move the forums somewhere else if i can and maybe later the whole site. As for activity on the blog, i have a number of images and stuff just waiting for me to post them, but i have been fooling around with some stuff ill post about later.
Posted by superseth @ 11:17 AM PST
Back at Cal Poly:
Just got back, gotta get food but I gave jimson this mario candy thing from gamestop and the first thing he does is look at the back and go WOW for ages 3 and up, THATS ME!!!
Posted by superseth @ 06:16 PM PST