Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I owe you all a real post, but I just had to say that they have released Half-Life 2 DM, only minutes after i was envisioning telling the devil that HL2 is good but bittersweet because it is so ready for DM but totally missing it, oh well I am going to go try it, Go Valve if it is good!
Posted by superseth @ 11:04 PM PST
Monday, November 22, 2004
Today is going to be crazy but not much crazier than this
Posted by superseth @ 09:39 AM PST
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Operation Ghetto-Metal:
Operation Ghetto-Metal is greg's new metal-rap fusion band. THATS RIGHT! All thought that this hit guitarist could not overcome his former band KILLGOAT, but in Operation Ghetto-Metal he does all but that! (wait a minute...) Anyway, its totally a joke band with a song that will hopefully not blow. If it does you can go to the toaster, put your finger in, and say "TOASTY!!!" with a funny trill in your voice. Seth, I need webspace for this because it is for a class. Me and my buds are making p.r. for a band that were in! I know - LAME- you know what I thought was less lame? Not actually doing P.R. for a real band, so we made ghetto-metal! You all should totally dig what were doing, we're like spinal-CRACK!!!
Posted by Greg @ 01:28 AM PST
Thursday, November 18, 2004
1337 School:
Oh my i found it rather funny that netscape has an online class in leet speak and rather cool that there is now an XPlay book!!!! But who wants to give money to those bastards who ruined TechTV!?! DAMN YOU G4! They took away Unscrewed and have nubbed The ScreenSavers. I am all about the games, but you can't fill a day with thier current show lineup and so why kill GOOD shows and replace them with re-runs of shitty G4 shows? Bastard money grubbers ruining my only good TV channel just to get control of XPlay. Oh well I am going to do work now. OH one more thing, World of Warcraft ends today, saddness.
Posted by superseth @ 03:26 PM PST
Damn it even 50 162 foot tall women can't keep me in a good mood this week. There is such comfort in... I dont know. blah. There was a time I doubt anyone who reads this will remeber, where I was embrassed about who I was. I didn't talk about what I thought very much, hid all desires and would sit in my room late at night listening to Alanis on headphones beacuse the I didn't want people to see/hear me listening to music, though I am not sure why anymore, though I doubt I ever really knew. Anyway, I thought I would never return to that kind of a state, that I would withdraw back inside in that way. Sure I have times of being internalizing about things, but not due to fear of showing who I am. I don't know if I am making any sense here anyway. The point is that if I haven't called you a few weeks or I seem to act strange its not you and I don't hate you a bit, I'm just screwy right now, and it might take a while to get it back like ie should be. On the bright side, I might finally get my use out of Under Rug Swept. Goodnight everyone. <3
Posted by superseth @ 12:11 AM PST
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I was going to post something depressing, but instead GIANT WOMAN ATTACKS!!! Just read: The plot is very simple: a bikini wearing model is in Okinawa, Japan on a photo shoot when she gets attacked by aliens. The alien injects some kind of mutation virus into her body and she faints. Next thing she knows, she's a giant, around 157 feet tall. She begins a rampage through the district of Okinawa and it's up to the player, as a member of the Japanese Self Defense Force, to subdue the threat. The player is able to use helicopters, tanks, jets and anything else in their disposal against the "Daibijin". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this game is nothing more than eye candy (why else would they make the giant a "bikini clad model"?). But, it's definitely a humorous game, since the girl is so huge and the player is so tiny and it's funny to think how tanks and jets the size of her thumb could possibly destroy her. Ah, but that's the challenge! Point is, this is another one of those games that would really not be seen on US consoles. Some people might like it, others (especially females) would not be too pleased.

Posted by superseth @ 04:54 PM PST
Half-Life DM XTREME!:
Ok so I know Dissention has been on hold for while and we are all busy, but here is what I have just come up with. What is the single thing that HL needs the most? Deathmatch! Firstly classic HLDM because it was so much fun back in the day, and with the new guns and engine, it would be even more fun. After that is there then all kinds of new DM gametypes could be added using the physics. Now I know Valve might have DM in the works, but really we could do a think like Death Match Classic where we recreate HLDM in HL2 because i doubt they are doing that, then if there is no Valve DM we make a real HL2DM once we have all the codebase from HLDMClassic. The whole thing should be called HLDM XTREME just to be funny. Anyway think it over, now is the time to start, its the most moddable engine ever, its a game I bet we would all love to play that doesn't exisit, and it involves the creation of almost no new art content, so we only need coding mapping and testing, all of which we can do with help from a few people online. Crazy Seth out....
Posted by superseth @ 10:55 AM PST
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
I am at a biz 207 meeting right now, but hopefully tonight I will get to posting my excitment over Half-Life2 and linking some reviews, but before that game ever gets praise on the alt I want to point you all to this wonderful game also known as Bloodlines. If you aren't like me and have a million games to play or on order at the moment, or are not going to get World of Warcraft, then get this damn game. If you needed more reason than that it is the best PC rpg since Morrowind, look below.

Posted by superseth @ 08:10 PM PST
Big Blacky- My guitar, got pizzoned on sunday. That made me sad. It has given me the hope of revitalizing my other guitar! So in hopefull in a month or so, Big Blacky will be replaced by my other guitar, Redskin Engine! Half-Life 2 came out! My suitemate bought it, and it requires steam... and steams servers went down. So he payed opening week price to -NOT- play his game. For this, I am upset. On the bright side, it was voted "THE BEST GAME EVER" by PC Gamer, who gave it 4.5 stars.... they are both poor graders and hypocrites. best game ever, being 5 stars! muahahahahhahahahahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahhahaha [more]
Posted by Greg @ 06:16 PM PST [Link]
well, Seth has finally fixed altereddreams, and as you can tell he has added some new features. Unfortunatly, I have about as many ideas on what to post here as him. For those of you who know him, I am currently writing an essay about Brian Frandsen for my nonfiction writing class. Seth told me that I should post it when I'm done, but its going to suck so I probably won't bother. I think this post is even more useless then one Seth would have made, so I am finished.
Posted by Newtbuggs @ 03:52 PM PST
WoW and Forums:
Ok so my host is moving the mySQL database to a new place and I have to go update a ton of scripts to make the forums/gallery working again, so for the next 2 days or so things will be down, sorry. One reason things will take this long to attend to is because of WORLD OF WARCRAFT OPEN BETA!!!!! I got one of the last account on fileplanet before the closed down, but sadly the masses behind me in line then fled to worldofwarcraft.com and took that server offline, so currently most of the warcraft hosting community has been taken out by the forces trying to get into this beta. I bet the money counters at VU Games are licking thier lips at the number of ready addicts. I am glad I got in the beta because I probably won't be able to play the game when it goes retail because of the costs per month and time. Maybe if I dump xBox live after the trial is over because I am bored of Halo 2 and DOA:U then I can get WoW but not till then. But for the next few days, WOW + Seth = Noel + HOOKA
Posted by superseth @ 06:30 PM PST
Saturday, November 6, 2004
Dork Mastery and Bit Torrent:
OK first off check this out. According to British Web analysis firm CacheLogic, BitTorrent accounts for an astounding 35 percent of all the traffic on the Internet -- more than all other peer-to-peer programs combined -- and dwarfs mainstream traffic like Web pages. Link
Personally I was pretty impressed that Bit Torrent accounts for that much of the internet traffic, its crazy. Secondly something very bad has happened. I have been playing magic on and off recently with a few people, but they finally got me to go to the cal poly game theory club, which translates into people who play magic and warhammer. First off I should note that after last night I feel so amazing normal and low level dorky now that I have seen the kind of people they make fun of in InQuest. I didn't really know that many of them exsisted in the real world, but they do I guess and I am only a dork when compared to the average population! Yayaya. Anyway so I played a ton of magic last night followed by watching Country Music Television till 1 in the morning then going home, and now I am back in the groove. I want more cards and new decks, its horrible. Oh well I guess its time to go to ebay and begin the magic cycle again.
Posted by superseth @ 10:21 AM PST
Thursday, November 4, 2004
The devil sent me this the other night while I was working on CSC (Which is my whole living/waking life ATM) and I figured i should pass it along because it summarizes the election better than any bitchy by me.
Posted by superseth @ 08:29 AM PST
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Election Day:
Well i figured the nationial election deserved perhaps a post here, so lookie a post! Before I went to math at 6 Kerry was getting pwn'd because of the southern states, but now that I am back home CNN is showing that its 48% to 51% with Bush in the lead. Not that Bush should even have a chance of winning, but it is more exiciting when things are close like this, unlike the 1996 elections where you have Bill Clinton VS Viagra man. Anyway Ill be back tomorrow to either bitch or laugh, depending on the results. Regardless today I went to the bathroom during math class because it was too damn boring and ran experiments on how long you have to stand in front of the automatic toilets to make them flush. I determined it to be 23 seconds, but that can be longer if you are too far away. I don't know how it works but maybe sometime later I will do more testing and come up with some real numbers, I have many more math classes this quarter. Going back to the election, my bathroom experiences have shown me that no matter what happens in the election, in 4 years things will still be boring, because I will still be at Cal Poly doing pointless work! I am not sure if that is going to jinx things and Cal Poly will become the center of the next world war or it is just true and I will die in the bathroom testing the frequency of the squeaks of the doors on the stalls. I dont know what the heck I am talking about so peace.
Posted by superseth @ 08:22 PM PST
I am still around:
I know it seems that I have left again, but really I am here all the time, just that again I have run out of things to say, or more so the desire to say anything. And besides, I read other peoples blogs and wonder, is there any content, or it is just a bunch of self-serving ramble. Oh well I have some long over-do e-mails to answer, out.
Posted by superseth @ 01:50 PM PST