Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Time Running:
It is amazing how much time I can actually waste on a daily basis just doodling on the internet. I have 16 hours to finish a program, I hope I don't doodle too much today...
Posted by superseth @ 12:26 PM PST
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tegan & Sara Photoshop:

I was messing around in Photoshop tonight with a T&S presspacket photo
Posted by superseth @ 03:19 AM PST
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Did you get a wii?:
Seth did you manage to get a wii? Also do you have gears of war? I will be around for Thanksgiving in escondido, so if the rest of you are traveling talk to me.
Posted by Kyle @ 06:38 PM PST
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Seth the movie "the wizard" is coming on some lame channel this weekend. HAHA the nintendo movie from like 1989-it's so bad I bet it's worse than I remember. All I remember was at the end they played mario 3 and he somehow knew where the flutes were which was a game not even released yet.
Posted by Kyle @ 06:08 PM PST