Tuesday, December 27, 2005
End of the year Escapist:
Half-Life 2 shipped with a groundbreaking physics engine, and after years of development, the most interesting thing anyone could find to do with it was create really advanced crate puzzles - which we've seen for years - and gimmick gravity guns. They spent five years developing a little red Corvette, and now they take it out on the interstate and drive 55 with both hands on the wheel.
I just enjoyed that quote from the new Escapist, which you should go read here.
Posted by superseth @ 11:22 AM PST
the toland is not leaving until wednesday; i'm going to his house tommorow and his parents went away and said we can use the house for lanning and what not if we want to, so expect a call from me.
Posted by Kyle @ 01:01 AM PST
Sunday, December 25, 2005
happy christmas all; merry if that's what you prefer. but yes this week i recieved a call from david or what not so people let's do things seeing as how everyone must go back to school and all.
Posted by Kyle @ 10:16 PM PST
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Jimson sent this to me so I send it to you.
(20:46:21) Gerode: That picture is extremely Jimson
Posted by superseth @ 08:44 PM PST
Thursday, December 22, 2005
celebrity props???:
dudes check out bodog.com and their celebrity proposition bets at http://www.bodog.com/sports-betting/celebrity-props.jsp it just amazes me how much crap there is in the real world...people actually bet on celebrity lives!! that and how in the world do the odds makers come up with odds for these kinds of bets? Who knows/cares if britney will file for divorce with her boyfriend, and how can the oddsmaker find a profit line on that? oh and if you check out some other bets you will find that you can bet on such abstract things as if the j.k rowland will kill harry potter in the next book or not.... my money is on NOOO! but i don't read them so i wouldn't know.
Posted by Kyle @ 01:51 AM PST
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Devil Mod:
John has his own simple Devil Neverwinter Module up over at johnguydude.altereddreams.net. These things make me laugh, I need to get back to doing work on the one Kyle and I started.
Posted by superseth @ 11:51 AM PST
i can take it:
so i was at work and a guy i work with asked if he could hand me this box of beers and i said "i can take it" and laughed to myself so hard i almost dropped them.
Posted by Kyle @ 02:09 AM PST
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Gunman Chronicles:
So yesterday Kyle was over here and we were working on the Ultimate Neverwinter Module, also known as Noel's Quest, when I decided to put some of my old games on the new computer. When I plugged in my old hard drive Kyle noticed I had Gunman Chronicles and so I tossed that over and went to Fry's while stuff copied. Later that night we were like lets look at that stupid game and started it up and began playing. At about 2am Kyle finished it while I lay on the bed half-asleep and crazy. I doubt any of you have ever gotten close to the end of that game, but oh man it has some funny bits in it, which have been mostly captured here in stylin' music form. As bad as the game is, I have found out it was done as an experiment to see if a commercial game could be made like a mod, with people all over the world working on it at one time, and so I really can't give it that much crap, since it was stupid, but at least it was some fun. The tune was slapped together by Mtwogz when I insisited on something to encapsule the stupidity of the sound-clips.
Posted by superseth @ 01:12 PM PST
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
the king:
if any of you see king kong and tell me it sucked... i will literally hate you the rest of our lives... if you see it and hate it - dont bring it up around me.
Posted by Greg @ 03:56 AM PST
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Its Doom's birthday again! Here is some old doom info for your reading pleasure if you aren't doing anything worthwhile. Me, I am home and playing with my new computer, you should call me sometime soon if you are in SD.
Posted by superseth @ 06:32 PM PST
Flashing Lights Entertain:
This is quite entertaining, though most of you have already seen it I bet, since its all over the internet. *Note: It works now, sorry about that.
Posted by superseth @ 10:48 PM PST
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Bioware Contest:
Bioware is having a writing contest using Neverwinter Nights running till January. Might be a thing to look at for all you people with those writing aspirations.
Posted by superseth @ 09:15 AM PST