Alice Level List

Here is THE complete list of levels in Alice and thier corresponding file names. They are organized by map section. If anyone knows of any secert levels not listed here tell me. These are only the ones in the normal single player game.

Fortress of Doorsfortress1
Beyond the Wallfortress2
Skool Dazeskool1
Skool's Outskool2
Pool of Tears potears1
Hidden Hideaway potears2
Just Dessertspotears3
Wholly Moral Groundutemple
Dry Landing garden1
Herbaceous Bordergarden2
Rollign Stonesgarden3
Icy Receptiongarden4
Fungiferous Forest centipede1
Centipede's Sanctum centipede2
Caterpillar's Plotwforest
Pale Realmwchess1
Checkmate in Redrchess1
Mirror Imagefunhouse
Crazed Clockworkhatter1
About Facehatter2
Burning Curiosityjlair1
Jabberwock's Lairjlair2
Majestic Mazehedge1
Airborne Terrortower1
Mistifying Madnesshedge2
Water Loggedtower2
Labyrinthine Revengehedge3
Royal Ragegrounds1
Battle Royalegrounds2
Castle Keepkeep
Heart of Darknessqlair
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